UK's largest Muslim youth organisation launches coronavirus relief effort

Muslim volunteers help buy and deliver groceries for those in need ( Noor Hadi/AMYA UK )

 As the coronavirus pandemic continues, with the UK expecting a significant period under lockdown, the Muslim community is among those determined to see no one left behind.

The UK's largest and oldest Muslim youth organisation AMYA, which has a membership exceeding 8,000, has introduced new initiatives to support people in need during the pandemic.
Noor Hadi, from London, is one of Britain's youngest Imams and said the organisation's aim is to contribute to society "at all levels".
He told the Standard: "Our key objective is to serve and contribute to society at all levels through active integration and engagement."
A young Muslim volunteer drops off food deliveries to a neighbour in need (Noor Hadi/AMYA UK)

"We also believe a nation cannot be reformed without reformation of its youth - so we have introduced structured activities for young people to keep them engaged."
Volunteers aged between 16 and 40 are working in 24 regions across the UK to serve local community members in need.
Many of those who have signed up are offering daily videos featuring life hacks, mental health tips, spiritual development reminders, and ideas for ways to occupy yourself at home.
Mr Hadi added: "Some of our more sporty members and Imams have dedicated their time to create daily online content to help people at home stay fit during this period - with six workout sessions a week, and three targeted at those aged under 15.
"They're live videos, so people can interact with one another, it's a pretty fun way to get fit, all in the safety of your home. We also have challenges and kahoot quizes to take part in and leaderboards which you can climb."
AMYA are also offering a hotline service for people in need of help. Before the lockdown, in line with social distancing advice, members assisted with running errands such as buying groceries, collecting prescriptions and medication, donating to food banks or providing meals to people in their homes.
Mr Hadi said: "So far we have helped dozens of people this way, and the response has been very good. The numbers are increasing every day."

Muslim volunteers delivering meals 

 According to Mr Hadi, AMYA members have long been giving back to the community by participating in activities such as blood donations, visiting senior citizens and planting more than 50,000 trees to date across the UK.
He said: "Muslims of AMYA are literally the Muslims for Humanity.
"Our sole purpose and reason for why we are doing this is to act upon the teachings of Islam, which state that to help and alleviate the hardship and suffering of others is a great virtue, an act of faith and a means of seeking nearness to God.
"We're still developing even more ways to help people during this difficult period."

Source : (

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